
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rolf Köhler Productions Marathon

We had this idea since long time and why not to do it now?. A special selection of the Rolf Köhler productions since 70's will be performed this 18, 19, and 20 October in an extraordinary radio session and chat by

On 20 de October we also will have a little homage to Birger Corleis, in memory of the first anniversary since he passed away. We are grateful with the people who is supporting us and contributing with the stuff necessary for get this special and we are looking forward to pass a good time together the fans and friends of those extraordinary singers.
All people interested is invited, all of them will be registered by IP and nickname since they enter to the chat.

Dates and times (german time) are here:

  • 18.10.2013 from 23:00 pm to 03:00 am
          Rolf Köhler Marathon Part 0 (Rehearsal Session)
  • 19.10.2013 from 18.00 pm to 05.00 am
          Rolf Köhler Marathon Part I
  • 20.10.2013 from 18:00 pm to 00.00 am
          Rolf Köhler Marathon Part II + Birger Corleis Tribute